Tuesday 5 February 2013

Audience Feedback and Research

As well as looking into genre conventions, looking into audience research and target audiences has influenced how I have planned and produced my video and ancillary texts. Within audience research I have relied on both primary (research, surveys, feedback, and focus groups, and secondary sources (statistics, surveys held by other people).

I looked at the genres and similar bands through websites such as last.fm and the Facebook statistics of liked pages to find that a large proportion of both the fans are artists are males usually 21+, for this reason I chose my actor who is mid twenties and suited to the part, rather than a person from sixthform to be my artist.

To ensure my ancillary tasks suit my target audience I have constructed a survey on SurveyMonkey of which have 39 responses as of yet; I'm still waiting on more results, then taking their feedback will attempt to edit my texts slightly if I need to, and hopefully make and inforgraphic on my responses.

In responses many have expressed their interest in buying/listening to the music I portrayed through my advertisement and digipak. Some feedback so far has been helpful regarding if the texts match and other ideas:

In response to " Is there anything you dislike about the two images? " (some peopole didn't answer or just answered 'no'; I've mainly just included the feedback I got otherwise.)

 Fill in my survey here!