Wednesday 12 December 2012

Idea for Filming

On Sunday I'm filming some more footage for the video, I was stuck for ideas on what else to film so it wasn't just a video of my actor walking across Nottingham. I've decided I want an extra aspect to the music video - a twist at the end showing that the actor wasn't just needlessly paranoid, and someone is actually watching him.

I was thinking of nearer the end, just after the lyrics "You're alive" and him walking out the abandoned room doors. Then it shows an over the shoulder shot in a darkened room of someone on a computer clicking and watching footage of him. I was thinking of filming in the media room as i could move the monitors and towers of the computer with the little lights flashing.

As well as adding something more to the video it might be quite beneficial as it covers one of the characteristics that Andrew Goodwin writes about when definining music videos in his book Dancing in the Distraction Factory.

"There is frequently reference to notion of looking (screens within screens, telescopes etc. and particularly voyeuristic treatment of the body)."

I'm not sure yet but the person on the computer could either just be shown at the end as a twist, just a shadow of someone watching him; or it could be dispersed throughout the video then the twist at the end be that it's the main actor himself that's watching it back.

On Sunday I'll also be filming more in the abandoned room place to get some footage similar to the video for The Fall by Gary Numan. Filming my actor in different parts and editing so it looks flickery, and also to get more performance footage.

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