Tuesday 30 April 2013

Ancillary Task 1: Digipak

Ancillary Task 2: Magazine Advert

Evaluation Q1: Forms and Conventions

In what ways does your media product use develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Evaluation Q2:Combination of products

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

As well as continuity, the fonts I have used (Diamond SF and Devil Breeze) are well suited to my genre in that they look simple and modern, reflecting the more electronic elements of my given song.

The use of “star image” I found was important in all aspect of media as it makes the product more memorable. Similarly, in hindsight , if I could change anything about my texts now, I would add an image of my actor to the digipak art, layered in to also fit with the theme of the video and advert (behind the fence).

On each of my products, Warp records is mentioned; with the logo on the digipak and advert, and then the name written in the indent added to the music video intro. The importance of this lies within the marketing and distribution, to make sure the label was added to the texts to keep within a contract the band would have. 


Evaluation Q3: Feedback

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Evaluation Q3: Feedback  from Ashleighhh-x

Evaluation Q4: Media Technologies

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages?

Thursday 21 March 2013

Videos That Use Similar Techniques

Because I needed more lip syncing in my video, I filmed my actor singing the entirity of the song from three different angles and fit it layered over the top of my parts of my video.

This is probably challenging conventions as it is not used that often in music videos.
However here are three that do do it:

Not in the performance but is used kind of in the narrative bit.

At the end minute or so of the video.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Audience Feedback and Research

As well as looking into genre conventions, looking into audience research and target audiences has influenced how I have planned and produced my video and ancillary texts. Within audience research I have relied on both primary (research, surveys, feedback, and focus groups, and secondary sources (statistics, surveys held by other people).

I looked at the genres and similar bands through websites such as last.fm and the Facebook statistics of liked pages to find that a large proportion of both the fans are artists are males usually 21+, for this reason I chose my actor who is mid twenties and suited to the part, rather than a person from sixthform to be my artist.

To ensure my ancillary tasks suit my target audience I have constructed a survey on SurveyMonkey of which have 39 responses as of yet; I'm still waiting on more results, then taking their feedback will attempt to edit my texts slightly if I need to, and hopefully make and inforgraphic on my responses.

In responses many have expressed their interest in buying/listening to the music I portrayed through my advertisement and digipak. Some feedback so far has been helpful regarding if the texts match and other ideas:

In response to " Is there anything you dislike about the two images? " (some peopole didn't answer or just answered 'no'; I've mainly just included the feedback I got otherwise.)

 Fill in my survey here!

Thursday 31 January 2013

Video Editing

I'm almost done creating the structure of my video, and adding transitions and getting clips to layer over different parts. It's going well now, but I don't think I'm able to create the glitchy transitions I originally wanted to as I'm not able to create/ buy these effects for Premiere Pro or After Effects. :(


Tuesday 22 January 2013

New Videos

Both of these videos have been recently released and have a (kind of) similar aesthetic to what I would like for part of my video. :)

Sunday 6 January 2013


I've written my survey to ask some people now, I'm asking people I know online and posting the link on my blog to hopefully get a wide variety of people to answer it.

Getting a little bit worried as responses are coming though, but it's all helpful I guess.


Digipak update

I've changed a few minor things on my draft of the digipak. I'm just putting it on here so I can use the image URL; working on my survey to get feedback on my ancillary tasks, it should be finished soon and I should be able to get some responses from people online from my blog and other places. :)