Tuesday 30 April 2013

Evaluation Q2:Combination of products

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary tasks?

As well as continuity, the fonts I have used (Diamond SF and Devil Breeze) are well suited to my genre in that they look simple and modern, reflecting the more electronic elements of my given song.

The use of “star image” I found was important in all aspect of media as it makes the product more memorable. Similarly, in hindsight , if I could change anything about my texts now, I would add an image of my actor to the digipak art, layered in to also fit with the theme of the video and advert (behind the fence).

On each of my products, Warp records is mentioned; with the logo on the digipak and advert, and then the name written in the indent added to the music video intro. The importance of this lies within the marketing and distribution, to make sure the label was added to the texts to keep within a contract the band would have. 


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