Wednesday 3 October 2012

Ideas I - Lyrics

Recently I've felt like I've not applied the information I'm gathering back to the track I'm actually looking at, so taking the focus back to that,I thought I should look at my song in detail again: ("Track 19" for now) get a better idea of what I want my music video have in it. I decided to look at the lyrics in more depth to draw out any imagery or themes I could focus on. 

Moves and clues we're owed our dues there's no doubt about it that all above is about wanting to live long enough

Beats and freaks my mind reaps seeds sown and grown I've blown a whole in my soul oh no blow a hole in my soul too slow

cos I'm prepared to declare that every one of these scenes only means that only one of my eyes does disguise that I'm heading for surprise no more lies and no ties

As I defend to the end I don't depend on those rules and the fools who try and tell me how to be how to see it's not me cos i'm free

Look at the path you're on
Out of the way of shelter
Stranger days will come
Words are over
Strange strange days i'm not crazed i'm not fazed by laws .. I am the one who deplores all war you know you got to breathe not deceiveI pledge to the edge cannot censor my speech I need to teach that we are going down we're going down no sound

and the clues are clear

don't live in fear

And the words are strong

And you need to learn

Your time has come

It's the path you're on

Look at the path you're on

Out of the way of shelter

Stranger days will come

Words are over

I create I debate I don't hate all those vibes but the lies they make me want to leave not believe in all the good misunderstood you know you should and I would

So don't show don't blow don’t be weak and don't defeat all you meet your inner intent don't relent i'm hell stay alive

I adore my freedom's why I never wanted to try nine to five ain't ever gonna be part of this machine never will I be seen not to dream

Seasons fly they kinda make you feel old and tired try and let them make you young and wise try to let them make you breath - you're alive

The song seems to be about someone wanting to be free and to not conform in society; not depending on censorship, laws and rules; and how he does not want to be part of a corporate "machine" working a "nine to five" job.  He talks about how "stranger days will come" reminding people that one day people might realise they're "free" and "alive", as he says he is.

Tool's Parabola
There is not much direct imagery for my music video in these lyrics, but a lot I could make into a concept video of someone looking at business men separately from him as though he's an outcast from society already, it could maybe contrast with his idea of being free and how it's better as the audience could see him alone from them and perhaps struggling. They could see how it's his own choice and he thinks it's a positive thing.

Or, as he says he doesn't want to be part of a machine it could kind of be set in a really depressing, industrial landscape, like in Eraserhead (something else, can't remember?) and everyone around the main character is a 'mindless drone'. I'd have to contrast it with something really different though, else it might be too dark for the kind of song it is, actually.

Obviously these are all just super brief ideas for now but it could be a good way to incorporate both the ideas of cold colours, stony and metallic imagery to contrast with grungy, dirty kind of images. The latter being his life and the first to suit the clean cut kind of life which the people working "nine to five" might live. Perhaps I could include fast shots of birds or something to fit the theme of freedom but that might be really cliché, I'm not sure yet. 

I feel like the "beats and freaks" part might be talking about the beatniks and how their lifestyle is influencing him/making him want to feel "free" and "alive" with a bohemian kind of life style which might be quite interesting to look into, too.

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