Monday 29 October 2012

Ideas III - Video Plan

Over half term I continued to look at ideas for videos, and a little on band logos. Feeling I had lost some direction in my ideas, so we started to just reiterate my ideas as of yet and looked at breaking up my given song into sections so it was a little less intimidating and more apporachable. :)
Here are my ideas so far,
Actors - Male performer, possibly two male performers, one to be the vocalist, one for the narrative sequence.
I think I have got people to be in my video, I have a friend who does drama at college and she may be able to ask some of the guys in her class to help me out. If I find out soon, I'll give the song to them so they could learn the lyrics to be able to lip sync more realistically.
Locations - Darkened room in which the vocalist (focus on shadows and silhouettes).
                 - Nottingham -> Urban/industrial settings
Maybe some back streets so I can still film parts of what the audience could imagine were office buildings or the like, so show the character is on the out side of that scene.
Ideas/Themes - Anti-capitalist aspect
                        - Grungy dark colours/ low temperature filming.
Narrative - I'm not certain of any story or focus in particular other than a man walking about on industial sort of back streets of a city, looking alone. I'd still like to include some sort of intra-intra diagetic scenes on fuzzy screens and things, but i'm not sure how I'd include this at the moment. I might look into being more influenced by Massive Attack videos, in particular Intertia Creeps where the singer is looking at the screen. I'm not sure yet.
I'm creating what will be a really detailed filming plan, at the moment it's just breaking the song into sections where it sounds similar, and working out what sort of thing will be shown at this part. This is what I have planned so far:
I've came to a kind of halt with writing this at the moment as i need to work out what -in more detail- to include in my narrative, I'll working on developing that this week.
Later I hope to link this in with the lyrics, making it more detailed so I'll know exactly what I'll need to be filming.

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